Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tahitian Village

Lany at the Tahitian Village, Lae. She wore traditional grass skirt made of the inner bank of the wild Hibiscus tree.
Pic taken 2002


Johnny at PCC, the Kapakahi coconut tree... which means the bend or twist coconut tree. Elvis Presley sat here once in his movie "Blue Hawaii" now its a popular coconut tree in the Center.
Pic taken 2002


After a night out diving at Waimanalo beach, Oahu, we caught the moment with a cellphone camera. Rix standing... Deklin in the black and Johnny in Blue.

Pic taken 2004

Janet and Children

Janest and her two children.

Beautiful Madang

Just a minute walk from where I lived in Madanga, Papua New Guinea. I usually walked down down there and just watch the waves crashed into the rocks... homesick lelebet.
Pic taken 1998


My pic with a Latina before our boarding CH to Schofield Baracks for our Spring camp. He was our platoon leader. Taken behind armored vehicles.
Pic taken 2003

Our Battalion XO

This is Burbank, one of the toughest and smartest cadets in our ROTC. He was also the Executive Officer (XO) of our ROTC battalion.
Pic taken 2002.

Best Moment

After a long walk and some battle drills we finally sat down for a feed. This is always the best moment in our camps....
Pic 2002

Soccer Coach

The under 13 girls soccer league of the windward side, Oahu, is one of the toughest leagues through out Oahu. The undefeated North Shore girls won the league three times a row. I volunteered to train these gurls. We won the league and defeated the champs 3-1.
Pic taken 2002


To'atupu and Toxie. Our most memorable fishing trip in 1989.
Pic taken 1989

Mela Style

My gang in college.
Johnny (white hat), Joe (blue), and Tommie in Whites.
Pic taken December 2004


Going's farm. This is what we did in the farm most of the time I was in NZ. It was a quite a job, but I enjoyed it .
Pic taken 2000


Rix is a native NZ fella. He is a multi-talented man. He is proud of his heritage as an indigenous man as you can see in his pic. Rix and I danced for the Maori group at PCC for a year before he left.
Pic taken 2002

College Buddy

Nay Cobb is an Australian African American... I used to call her triple A, a very out going person. She likes to sing and dance and yeah she can dance. Taken inside BYUH Library.
Pic taken 2004


Bro Alex. Guess what hes doing here... umm not what you think hes doing... he is eating fish.